The Magic Spells

Contributor: Emcy

Of course, as the name suggests, a Black Mage casts magic. However, it casts only offensive type spells whether it effects HP or MP (and even status). Below you can find a complete list of all Black Magic spells (no matter the game) and a little bit about them.

Fire: (Fira, Firaga, Firaja, Fir2, Fir3) This spell deals the elemental damage of fire to one or more enemies. In most cases, this spell would be better used against ice-based monsters, the undead and plants.

Ice/Blizzard: (Blizzara, Blizzaga, Blizzaja, Ice2, Ice3) This spells deals the elemental damage of ice to one or more enemies, depending on the level of the spell. If you're going to use this, I'd suggest using it against fire-based monsters, earth-based enemies and maybe a lizard or two.

Bolt/Thunder: (Thundara, Thundaga, Thundaja, Bolt2, Bolt3, Bolt4) This spell deals the elemental damage of thunder to usually one or more enemies. This spell is most effective against water-based monsters and metallic creatures.

Bio: (Poison) This is a spell that effects the status of an enemy. This spell will actually poison pretty much every enemy you will encounter (unless immune or undead) and will gradually take away HP points. This is very useful if you're fighting a very stubborn creature with high HP or high defense.

Water: (Watera, Waterga, Waterja) This isn't the most common spell but you can find it in some games. This spell deals the elemental damage of water on one or more opponents. If I recall well, this spell works well on the same type of enemies as ice.

Aero: (Aeroga, Tornado, Aeroja) This is a wind based elemental spell that I personally find really sweet. This works well against earth-based enemies.

Quake: (Quakeja, Qake) This particular spell has changed from game to game but most recently, it is more like an earth based spell. In early games, it was an instant death spell that could kill one enemy.