Famous Characters
Contributor: Ava
Here are a few of the character in the Final Fantasy series who have exhibited qualities of the Black Mage job class.
Final Fantasy 4
Palom is young boy who is part of a set of twins. Palom is the black mage, while his twin sister, Porom, is the white mage. He is a precocious wunderkind who set up the archetype for future characters such as Gau, Vivi, and Hope.
Edea & Rinoa
Final Fantasy 8
In the world of FFVIII, sorceresses or witches are special people with the natural ability to use and transfer magic. The storyline revolves around this concept. Edea and Rinoa both inherited sorceress powers in the game. While Edea is more distinctly a black mage by power and appearance, Rinoa's association is a little more suspect, as she is an adept physical attacker before receiving her new abilities.
Final Fantasy 9
FFIX was a throwback to the traditional motifs of the FF series, after its predecessors had dabbled in a modern, idyllic setting. Vivi's aesthetic design is a straight homage to the black mage design of FFI. He won over gamers with his tear-jerking quest for meaning in his existence.
Final Fantasy 10
Lulu is an accomplished black mage who uses voodoo dolls as her attack weapon (enhancing her magic). She is one of Yuna's guardians, and her older sister figure. In contrast to the traditional black mage design, she has a dark and gothic scheme, resembling Edea's appearance more than anyone else.
Final Fantasy 13
Ravager is the paradigm role in FF13 that mose closely resembles Black Mages, being that it is your offensive elemental magic casting role. While job classes are all ultimately obtainable to any character, certain characters are pushed to the Ravager class by stat differentiation and spell availabilty. Lightning and Hope are the game's best Ravagers by the numbers.